Monday 4 August 2014

Bi-Monthly - Craft My Life All Crafts Challenge - Anything Goes - No Cards

Morning lovely folks and thank you to those who checked out my last Blog post.

Also a huge thank you to those of you who have taken part in our most recent Challenge -
please check out the Blog to see if you are a lucky winner and for details of our

Here's my Design Team Creation for August -

Using "Woodware" Snowflakes and Ribbon

Thanks for stopping by - Love and hugs Judith xxx

I would like to support the following Challenges -


  1. Really beautiful hunni, i hope you had a lovely time away xxx

  2. Hi Judith. Im Torn between a dreamcatcher and a Christmas wreath. I can't get enough ribbon . You could of hit on a dual purpose make there
    Lots of love
    Jo xx

  3. This is gorgeous Judith wow!!! I'm so impressed :)
    Vic x

  4. Great to see you home again Judith, I did pop in now and again knowing you were away this gorgeous creation, cololurful and brilliantly made.xx
    ♥aNNie xx
    The Journey is the Start

  5. Hi Judith and hope you enjoyed your holiday -great project love the ribbons and snowflakes
    Carol x

  6. Morning Judith welcome back. A fab project. Very pretty colours x

  7. Hi Judith, so glad you have had a good break
    What a fabulous creative project,
    Janet xxx

  8. This is beautiful, I love the colours and snowflakes.
    Linda xxx

  9. This is gorgeous Judith so pretty xx Jan

  10. WB from your vacation - I'm sure you had a lovely time! Your wreath is so pretty and very creative!

  11. Such a creative and pretty wreath.
    Hugs Desíre {Doing Life}

  12. Such pretty colours for a Christmas wreath, fabulous make.

    Sylv xx

  13. Fantastic creation :) . Thankyou for entering it into the Sisters of CRaft challenge and good luck. Tina DT x

  14. Lovely project Judith! So pretty! Welcome back, Glad to hear you had a nice break! I'm curretly on Staycation in Edinburgh so playing catch up before we head off out for the day!
    Dawn xx

  15. Gorgeous Judith, love the soft colours here, I am so excited to be a GDT for this and next challenge, Hugs hun xxx

  16. Some people are just soooooo organised ... Christmas is August!!!! :)
    Such pretty colours and not ones traditiionally associated with Christmas
    Thank you for entering the Sisters of Craft Challenge
    Pixie (DT member)

  17. Great project! Many thanks for joining the Rosie’s Creative Spirit challenge and good luck!!! Melissa (DT)

  18. Welcome back Judith xxx. Such a pretty project.

    Thank you for coming over and joining in with us at Rhedd's Creative Spirit.

    Great Big Huge Hugs

    Becca xx (DT Member)

  19. Fabulous creation, Love all the wonderful ribbons & Beautiful snowflakes...Thank you for joining us at Altered Eclectics.... Hugs May x x

  20. Hi Judith, A fabulous project, love the ribbon.

    Hugs Erin x


Hi I love to read all of your lovely comments - thanks so much for taking the time to hop on over hugs Judith x