Monday 30 June 2014

A Huge Thank You Folks - Blog Candy

Hi lovely friends and followers and it s now approx 6 whole months since I became
involved with Blogging and Design Teams and what a fabulous time I have had.

A very huge thank you to all of you who have given me such fantastic support -
I really do appreciate it xxx

As an acknowledgement of your fantastic support I am now offering up
Blog Candy for the month of June -

 2 x Gift Certificates to be drawn at random  -

What do you need to do - 

Add a pic and link back to this post on your Side Bar

Add a link to your blog using Mr Linky in my RIGHT Side Bar

Add a comment after linking to be sure you ve not got lost xxx

2 lucky winners will be drawn on July 1st 2014.

Very good luck 

Thank you again for your fabulous support

Love and hugs Judith xxx


  1. Hi Judith, fabulous Candy, have done all the steps, thank you for a chance to win, hugs xxx

  2. Fabulous candy and followed the steps. LOL I put your blog addy in but it goes to my blog. Sorry! Good luck to everyone.
    Linda xxx

    1. All sorted Linda and thanks so much for entering x

  3. Yay, congrats on your 6 months as a blogger!
    Thanks for the chance of winning your great candy! I'm off to fulfill the conditions now!
    Good Luck all!
    Dawn xx

  4. Hi Judith. Thank you for all the wonderful comments on my blog and the chance to win your candy!

  5. Hi Judith - thanks for your lovely comments on my blog & thanks for the chance to win lovely candy!


    Bev xx

  6. Done Judith! Congrats on 6 months as a blogger. As you know I'm relatively new to blogging but love seeing your posts. Thank you also for the great comments you have left on my blog and for the chance to win some candy!

  7. thanks for the Candy Judith and congratulations on 6 month of blogger.
    Have put it on my sidebar.

    gr karin

  8. Congratulations on your first 6 months of craft blogging. Very generous of you to cellebrate by offering blog candy. I've put up the information up on my sidebar.

  9. Congrats Judith, am linking to my side back and thanks for the chance to win...cheers, aNNIe x


Hi I love to read all of your lovely comments - thanks so much for taking the time to hop on over hugs Judith x