Tuesday 29 July 2014

Outlawz Colour Challenge with a Twist - "Add Birthday Bling"

Morning folks and hop that this post finds you well x

Wishing you all a very happy Tuesday and sending hugs to those of you
who could do with one xxx

Thank you to those of you who hoped along and entered last week's
Challenge at -

Please check out the Blog to see f you were a winner - hope that you are lucky x

Details of this week's Challenge can also be found there.

We are Sponsored by -


Hope that you'll hop on over and join in the fun - love and hugs Judith xxx

Now I would like to share with you this week's inspiration picture together with
my DT Card.

Twist "Add Birthday Bling"


  1. Brilliant Judith, fabulous image and brilliant colours, hugs xxx

  2. Hi Judith all these 4 cards are very pretty my favorite is the first card with all those flowers.
    Gr Karin

  3. What a fab card! So cheery!

  4. Lovely modern and bright card Judith :D Hope you are enjoying your holiday!


Hi I love to read all of your lovely comments - thanks so much for taking the time to hop on over hugs Judith x