Sunday 26 April 2015

Craft v Cleaning

Morning lovely friends and followers and thank you so much for dropping by xxx

This morning I have a confession - oh no what is that ?

Well when I worked at 110 miles an hour I used to employ a cleaning lady.

Unfortunately due to some health stuff I haven t been able to work
at an employed job for the last 12 years and this is why I got into Craft.

The keeping on top of a house with 2 adult men has been getting me down for
some time and I have felt guilty when crafting instead of cleaning.

Well a month ago I met a fairy walking down our road aka my previous cleaning lady
and now she s doing 2 hours a week for me - so Tuesday is cleaning day for me 
and her and now the guilt is gone.

Shirley (cleaner) is off to see her family in Barbados and asked
me to make some cards for her and here they are.

Until the next time crafty hugs and blessings xxx

I would like to support the following Challenges -


  1. Two fabulous box cards, my favourites.xx

  2. Good for you to get the help with cleaning! It must be such a relief for you. Your pop-up box cards are beautiful and I know much appreciated by the recipients!

  3. These are gorgeous Judith, lucky Shirley!
    Linda xxx

  4. Great cards and love the striking colours for the flowers. Lucky you having a cleaner ... I dislike housework but it is a necessary evil. Lou x

  5. wow hun, I adore how you've put the house stamp at the back, it looks as if the garden is in full bloom in the front of the house and I just want to live there now!
    Sandie xx

  6. The boxes are beautiful, and it's good to know you now have help which gives you crafting time to make things like these :) Well done!

  7. Fatastc cards Judith! I bet yor cleaning fairy was thrilled with them!
    Big Hugs
    Dawn xx

  8. Judith, these are sensational! Oh, how I wish I could do something like that. They're great!
    That's also great news about the help with cleaning! I'd love to have the same type of help now and then.

  9. These pop-up cards are fabulous! Lovely, bright and cheerful. Xx

  10. Love the pattern paper you used to create the flowers on these box cards. Super cute

  11. Fabulous pop up box cards, I`ve yet to try these. Chris xx

  12. Hi Judith your box cards are gorgeous. People do love these box cards. I have made a few. Hugs Jackie

  13. These are all wonderful Judith. The colours and flowers are fabulous.
    It's not wrong to ask for help when you're struggling. Enjoy your guilt free crafting xxx

  14. Fabulous box cards Judith and why not ask for help if your struggling-enjoy your crafting
    Carol x

  15. Wow! This is a stunner Judith! xx


Hi I love to read all of your lovely comments - thanks so much for taking the time to hop on over hugs Judith x